Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration No. 1924/002590/06)
Share code: AFE ISIN No. ZAE000000220
(“AECI” or “the Company”)
The Board of Directors advises that, at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders ("the Meeting") held at the registered office of the Company today, all the ordinary and special resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting mailed to shareholders on 9 May 2011 were duly passed by the requisite majority of votes, save for Ordinary Resolution No. 7 which was withdrawn by the Chairman at the commencement of the Meeting.
The special resolutions will be sent to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for registration. At the Meeting, Mr Fani Titi, Non-Executive Chairman of the Company, advised shareholders that he will retire from this position at the Annual General Meeting to be held in May 2012. He will retire as a Non-Executive Director of AECI at the same time.
The process for appointing a successor as Non-Executive Chairman has commenced and further announcements in this regard will be made in due course.
By order of the Board
EA Rea
Acting Company Secretary
Woodmead, Sandton
31 May 2011
Sponsor: RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)