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Dealing in securities by an associate of a director

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration No. 1924/002590/06)
Share code:  AFE     ISIN No. ZAE000000220
(“AECI” or “the Company”)

In compliance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the following information is disclosed:

DirectorMr MJ Leeming
CompanyAECI Limited
Date of transaction 17 June 2011
Nature of transaction On market sale of securities
Number of securities 5 000
Class of securities Orindary shares
Selling price 82 shares at R84.08 each
4 918 shares at R84.00 each
Total value of transaction R420 006.56
Highest price R84.08
Lowest price R84.00
Name of associate and relationship with directorMrs ME Leeming; wife of Director

Woodmead, Sandton
17 June2011

Sponsor: RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

May 31

Report on proceedings at Annual General Meeting and retirement of Non-Executive Chairman

July 26

Annoucement: results presentation